The investment funds

Ethos offers a range of nine investment funds that incorporate very high sustainability standards: six equity funds, two bond funds and one balanced fund.

Ethos carries out an extra-financial analysis of companies and selects the best stocks in each sector on the basis of ESG ratings and an in-house carbon rating, which takes into account companies' greenhouse gas emissions (see "Sustainability analyses"). The financial management of the funds is then delegated to banking partners, who can only invest in a restricted investment universe made up of companies with the best sustainability profile.

The funds offered by Ethos also apply the following principles: sensitive sectors and companies exposed to major ESG controversies are excluded, voting rights are systematically exercised in accordance with Ethos' guidelines and a regular and constructive dialogue is conducted with the companies included in the funds in order to raise their awareness of good governance practices and the requirements of sustainable development.

Legal information regarding investment funds

Please select the type of investor and confirm that you have read the legal information below regarding investment funds
Legal information regarding investment funds


The website is for information purposes only and nothing contained in the website should constitute a solicitation, or offer, or recommendation, to buy or sell any financial instruments, to effect any transactions, or to conclude any legal act of any kind whatsoever. The information and opinions published on the website are not to be construed as investment advice or any other kind of advice on legal, tax, financial or other advice or a recommendation to purchase, hold or sell any investment. They are purely for information. You should not rely on any content of the website in making an investment or other decision. The investment instruments and services described may not be suitable for you or may be unavailable. Please consult an expert in the relevant field before deciding to take any specific action. No information contained in or accessed from the website should be construed as creating any contractual relationship between the providers of such information and website users. In any event, subscriptions in funds should solely be made on the basis of the current sales prospectus, respectively the fund contract, the key investor information document (KIID) and the most recent annual and semi-annual reports.


Ethos does not provide any guarantee concerning quality, correctness, completeness, actuality of contents on the website. In particular, there is no obligation on the part of Ethos to update or to remove contents on the website. All information is provided on an as is basis without any representations or guarantees. Ethos expressly reserves the right to change or supplement parts of or the entire website without prior notice, as well as to supplement it or delete items therein. All published information, especially price and calculation data or forecasts, are based on the knowledge and/or market assessment as at the time specified in the respective publications. Ethos shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage, including but not limited to loss of profit, that may be suffered as a result of information provided on the the website, or for any loss or damage resulting either directly or indirectly from use of the website and the information contained therein.


Past performance is not an indicator of current or future performance. Performance data does not take commissions and costs charged when financial instruments are issued and redeemed, as well as any custodian fees or withholding tax that could potentially reduce the value, into account. The return may go down as well as up due to changes in rates of exchange between currencies. The value of invested monies can increase or decrease and there is no guarantee that all or part of your invested capital can be redeemed. Moreover, investments denominated in foreign currencies are directly and indirectly subject to exchange-rate fluctuations. Distributions made in connection with funds and other investment instruments may also vary. Investors thus face the risk of not recouping their original investment in full. Even a total loss of investment cannot be ruled out. Please carefully analyse the risks inherent in an investment instrument, in particular the risk considerations contained in the current sales prospectus of the respective fund. Investors should also be aware, that the liquidity of fund shares and other investment instruments may be limited. Ethos can therefore provide no guarantee for the performance of financial instruments, products or services and investors must be prepared and be in a position to bear the risk of a total loss of their investment. The user confirms that he/she is an investor who is not a US person. Under Swiss law as defined by article Art. 4 par. 3 to 5 and Art. 5 par. 1 and 4 of the Federal Act on Financial Services (FinSA), the qualified investor definitions are listed below:

  1. financial intermediaries as defined in theBanking Act, the FinIA and the CISA
  2. insurance companies as defined in the Insurance Supervision Act
  3. foreign clients subject to a prudential supervision, in their jurisdiction
  4. central banks
  5. public entities with professional treasury operations
  6. occupational pension schemes and other institutions whose purpose is to serve occupational pensions with professional treasury operations
  7. companies with professional treasury operations
  8. large companies – a large company being a company which exceeds two of the criteria set in Art. 4 par. 5 FinSA
  9. private investment structures with professional treasury operations created for high-net-worth retail clients
  10. high-net-worth retail clients and private investment structures created for them without professional treasuryoperations2, (Art. 5 par. 1 and 2 FinSA), after declaring they wish to be considered professional clients
  11. retail clients and clients described under point 10 above, for whoma financial intermediary, in accordance with Art. 4 par. 3 let. a. FinSA or a prudentially supervised foreign financial intermediary (independent asset manager), provides portfolio management or investment advicein accordance with Art. 3 let. c. items 3 and 4 FinSA within the scope of a permanent portfolio management or investment advice relationship